
The attorneys of Conway and Mrowiec have authored many articles on construction law issues for magazines and websites and have contributed to Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education and Wolters Kluwer Construction Law Library (Red Book) publications:

Midwest Construction

Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education

Wolters Kluwer Construction Law Library


Conway & Mrowiec is in the forefront of discovering and sharing new developments in construction law. The firm regularly presents full-day seminars to construction project participants. The seminars are complemented by extensive written materials. The following list of Presentations and Publications is representative:

How to Work and Get Paid in Illinois – Mechanics Liens, ASA Chicago
Author/Instructor:  Ken Cripe
October 22, 2015

AIA Contracts, Lorman Education Services, Elk Grove Village, IL
Authors/Instructors:  Timothy R. Conway, Edward B. Keidan, Kenneth A. Cripe
November 12, 2014

AIA Contracts, Lorman Education Services, Chicago, Illinois
Authors/Instructors:  Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan
October 17, 2014
October 3, 2014
October 17, 2013

Public Contracts and Procurement Regulations, Lorman Education Services, Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway, Edward B. Keidan, Kenneth A. Cripe, Colette Holt (Colette Holt & Associates)
November 1, 2013

AIA Contracts, Lorman Education Services, Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway, Edward B. Keidan, Erik R. Nelson
October 24, 2013

AIA Contracts, Lorman Education Services, Chicago, Illinois
Authors/Instructors:  Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan
October 17, 2013

Top 10 Recent Decisions on Perennial Delay Claim Issues, Society of Illinois Construction Attorneys, Chicago, Illinois
Invited Speaker and Author:  John S. Mrowiec
December 17, 2012

AIA Contracts, Lorman Education Services, Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Authors/Instructors:  Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan, Kenneth A. Cripe*
October 24, 2012
June 9, 2010*
February 27, 2009
September 12, 2007
September 13, 2006
September 14, 2005
September 22, 2004
March 6, 2003

Public Contracts And Procurement Regulations, Lorman Education Services, Elk Grove Village, Illinois
Co-Authors/Co-Instructors:  John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan
March 6, 2003

What to Do When Construction Projects Go Bad, Lorman Education Services, Chicago, Illinois
Authors/Instructors:  Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan, Kenneth A. Cripe
April 27, 2011
December 4, 2008

Illinois Prompt Pay Act, Lorman Education Services, Audio
Authors/Instructors:  Timothy R. Conway, Edward B. Keidan
First Edition, 2011
Supplement, 2013

Construction Change Order Claims, Wolters Kluwer Construction Law Library, Chapter 9:  “Changes that Result from Delays & Interferences”
Authors:  John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan
April 12, 2011

Drafting Arbitration Agreements, Illinois Institute of Continuing Legal Education, Chicago, Illinois
Invited Speaker and Author:  John S. Mrowiec
December 16, 2010

Special Mechanics Lien Issues Related to Condominiums and Mixed Use Vertical Subdivisions, Chicago Bar Association, Real Property Law Committee, Condominium Law Subcommittee
Invited Speaker and Author:  John S. Mrowiec
September 21, 2010

Selected Antitrust/Unfair Competition Issues in Construction & Management Contracts
Author/Presenter:  John S. Mrowiec
December 22, 2008

Special Mechanics Lien Issues with Newly Constructed Condominium Buildings and Condominium Construction Defect Litigation From Contractor/Construction Manager/ Trade Contractor Perspective, Law Bulletin 2008 Real Estate Law Conference, “Condominium Law Update and Strategies”
Invited Speaker and Author:  John S. Mrowiec
November 12, 2008

Understanding the Construction Bidding Process, Lorman Education Services, Chicago, Illinois
Author/Instructor:  John S. Mrowiec
October 8, 2008

AIA Revised Contract Documents, Lorman Education Services, Chicago, Illinois
Author/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan
September 12, 2008
February 27, 2008

Recent School & University Construction Claim Court Decisions:  Is Anything More Important Than Maintaining the Schedule? 2008 School Building Expo, Eaton Hall Exhibitions, Schaumburg, Illinois
Invited Speaker and Author:  John S. Mrowiec
April 2, 2008

Impact of Exculpatory Clauses & Written Change Orders on Claims for Construction Contract Delays and Disruptions:  Selected 21st Century Decisions, Law Bulletin 2007 Real Estate Law Conference Construction Issues & Litigation
Invited Speaker and Author:  John S. Mrowiec
October 4, 2007

Electronic Discovery Issues in Construction Disputes, Northern Illinois Steel Erectors
Presenters:  Timothy R. Conway, Edward B. Keidan
April 24, 2007

Introduction to “Cumulative Impact” Claims, Illinois Society of Construction Attorneys
Invited Speaker & Author:  John S. Mrowiec
April 17, 2007

Principles of Construction Law & Contracts, Real Estate Center at DePaul University, Office of Continuing & Professional Education, Construction Management Certificate Program
Author/Instructor:  John S. Mrowiec
September 27, 2006

Construction Delay Claims, Lorman Education Services, Itasca, Illinois
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan, Kenneth A. Cripe
July 13, 2006
January 26, 2006

Proving & Negotiating Change Orders for Claims Regarding Labor Productivity Impacts, National Electrical Contractors Association, Inc., Northeastern Illinois Chapter, DuPage County Division
Invited Speaker and Author:  John S. Mrowiec
May 16, 2006

Comprehensive Construction Law, Lorman Education Services, Oak Brook, Illinois
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan, Kenneth A. Cripe
May 4, 2006

Understanding the Bidding and Construction Process in Illinois, Lorman Education Services, Chicago, Illinois
Authors/Instructors:  John S. Mrowiec, Kenneth A. Cripe
March 30, 2006

Fundamentals of Construction Contracts, Lorman Education Services, Itasca, Illinois
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan
March 2, 2006

U.S. Electronic Discovery Issues: Zubalake v. UBS Warburg,Locating, Preserving, Retrieving and Producing Electronic Documents, Canadian College of Construction Lawyers, Inc. 8th Annual Conference
Invited Speaker & Author: John S. Mrowiec
May 28, 2005

The Nelson Energy Project or “The Contractor’s Perfect Storm”, Canadian College of Construction Lawyers, Inc. 8th Annual Conference
Invited Co-Speaker & Co-Author: John S. Mrowiec
May 27, 2005

Construction Scheduling Claims, Lorman Education Services, Itasca, Illinois
Authors/Instructors:  Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan
May 24, 2005
June 8, 2004

Construction Management/Design-Build in Illinois, Lorman Education Services, Schaumburg, Illinois
Authors/Instructors:  Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan
April 26, 2005
March 14, 2002

Construction Law & Contracts, Real Estate Center at DePaul University, Office of Continuing & Professional Education, Construction Management Certificate Program
Author/Instructor:  John S. Mrowiec
March 30, 2005
March 19 and 22, 2004

The Fundamentals of Construction Contracts:  Understanding the Issues in Illinois, Lorman Education Services, Schaumburg, Illinois
Authors/Instructors:  Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan
March 15, 2005

Construction Management/Design-Build, Lorman Education Services, Oak Brook, Illinois
Authors/Instructors:  Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan
November 11, 2004
April 28, 2004

Construction Claims for Public Entities, Lorman Education Services, Itasca, Illinois
Authors/Instructors:  Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan
October 6, 2004

Fundamentals of Construction Contracts: Understanding the Issues, Lorman Education Services, Itasca, IL
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway; John S. Mrowiec; Edward B. Keidan
March 9, 2004

Construction Management/Design Build: Contracting & Claims Avoidance, Lorman Education Services, Rosemont, IL
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway; John S. Mrowiec; Edward B. Keidan
April 30, 2003
April 25, 2002
November 13, 2001
November 9, 2000

Principles of Construction Law & Contracts, Real Estate Center at DePaul University, Office of Continuing & Professional Education, Construction Management Certificate Program
Author/Instructor: John S. Mrowiec
March 12 & 13, 2003
December 12 & 13, 2002

Illinois Construction Issues, Lorman Education Services, Rockford, IL
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway; John S. Mrowiec; Edward B. Keidan
October 1, 2002
May 16, 2002
February 14, 2001

Construction Claims: 2002, Lorman Education Services, Rosemont, IL
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway; John S. Mrowiec; Edward B. Keidan
August 8, 2002

Illinois Construction Issues: 2002, Lorman Education Services Seminar, Itasca, IL
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway; John S.Mrowiec; Edward B.Keidan
March 21, 2002
February 27, 2002

Public Construction Contracting: Bidding and Building in Illinois, Lorman Education Services Seminar, Chicago, Illinois
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway; John S. Mrowiec; Edward B. Keidan
August 23, 2001
March 20, 2001

Construction Delay Claims in Illinois, Lorman Education Services seminar, Rosemont, Illinois
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway; John S. Mrowiec; Edward B. Keidan
September 22, 2000

Illinois Construction Law: Can This Job Be Saved?  Creative Strategies for Project Completion & Litigation Avoidance in Illinois, Lorman Education Services seminar, Rosemont, Illinois
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway, John S. Mrowiec, Edward B. Keidan
June 30, 2000
March 15, 2000

Illinois Construction Law: Can This Job Be Saved?  Creative Strategies for Project Completion, Lorman Education Services seminar, Peoria, Illinois
Authors/Instructors: John S. Mrowiec; Edward B. Keidan
June 22, 2000

Contract Documents and Construction Law, The Associated General Contractors of America, Supervisory Training Program, Builders Association of Greater Chicago
Instructor: John S. Mrowiec
December 3-4, 1999

Illinois Construction Lien Law, Lorman Education Services seminar, Chicago, Illinois
Authors/Instructors: Timothy R. Conway; Edward B. Keidan, Kenneth A. Cripe
April 27, 2011
December 4, 2008

Illinois Prompt Pay Act, Lorman Education Services, Audio
Authors/Instructors:  Timothy R. Conway, Edward B. Keidan
April 21, 1999

How to Build a Legal Fortress for Your Construction Industry Clients, Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education seminar, Peoria and Chicago, Illinois
Author/Instructor: Timothy R. Conway
March 26, 1998
April 2, 1998

Another Doubtful Adjudication: Emerging Liability Under the ADA
Author/Presenter: Edward B. Keidan
March, 1998

Revisions to AIA A201 (1997 ed.): The General Contractor’s Point of View, presented at An Analysis and Evaluation of the 1997 Revised AIA Standard Form Agreement Between Owner and Contractor, Chicago
Instructor: John S. Mrowiec
November 12, 1997

Summary of Legal Principles Governing Bid Submissions, presented at Builders Association of Greater Chicago and American Subcontractors Association, The Challenge of Bidding: Legal Remedies for Bid Irregularities, Chicago
Author/Presenter: John S. Mrowiec
April 29, 1997

Selected Topics Concerning OSHA Citations: Negotiating Settlement Agreements, the Multi-Employer Workplace Doctrine & Construction Manager Liability, presented at Builders Association of Greater Chicago, Emerging Legal Issues: Safety Issues at the Jobsite, Chicago
Author/Presenter: John S. Mrowiec
December 5, 1996

Protecting Your Construction Industry Clients, presented at Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education Seminar, Springfield, Illinois and Chicago
Author/Presenter: Timothy R. Conway
November 22, 1996
December 5, 1996

Issues Presented by 1994 AGC/ASA/ASC Standard Form Construction Subcontract (AGC Doc. Nos. 640 & 4100; AGC Form No. 52) from the Prime Contractor’s Perspective, presented at Construction Industry Affairs Committee, Chicago
Author/Presenter: John S. Mrowiec
August 16, 1995

Dealing With the Problem Project, presented to American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers, Chicago
Author/Presenter: Timothy R. Conway
March 13, 1995

Rethinking Claims Management on Design/Build Projects: The Significance of the Shift of the Implied Warranty of Design and Other Issues, presented at Builders Association of Greater Chicago, Design/Build: Myth v. Reality, Chicago
Author/Presenter: John S. Mrowiec
October 12, 1994

Recent Selected Case Law Developments Regarding Construction Sureties, presented at Chicago Bar Association, Mechanics Lien & Construction Bond Claims Seminar
Author/Presenter: John S. Mrowiec
April 29, 1994
October 28, 1994
February 5, 1995

Contractor Liability Issues: Recent Developments, presented to Fox Valley General Contractor’s Association, Geneva, Illinois
Author/Presenter: Timothy R. Conway
April 11, 1994

The Impact of Performance Specifications on the Contractor and the Subcontractor, presented at Builders Association of Greater Chicago, Shifting Lines of Design Responsibility in the 1990s or It’s Not My Job, Chicago
Author/Presenter: John S. Mrowiec
November 3, 1993

Observations on Various Types of Dispute Resolution, Resolving Claims & Cost- and Benefit-Effective Use of Lawyers, presented at Builders Association of Greater Chicago, Construction Trends in the 90s, Chicago
Author/Presenter: John S. Mrowiec
June 22, 1993

Eleventh Annual Midwest Construction Law Seminar, Chicago-Kent College of Law, Chicago
Author/Presenter: Timothy R. Conway
May 7, 1993

Current Issues in Professional Liability, presented to American Institute of Architects, Chicago
Author/Presenter: Timothy R. Conway
November 12, 2008

Understanding the Construction Bidding Process, Lorman Education Services, Chicago, Illinois
Author/Instructor:  John S. Mrowiec
February 23, 1993

Construction Law & Liens, Turner Construction Co. & United Airlines, Construction Management Training Classes, Chicago
Instructor: John S. Mrowiec

How to Get What You Are Entitled To, presented at Coopers & Lybrand, Construction Claims: Getting Full Compensation, Milwaukee
Author/Presenter: John S. Mrowiec
November 11, 1992

Subs Under Water, Builders Association of Greater Chicago, Subcontractor Bankruptcy Seminar, Chicago
Author/Presenter: John S. Mrowiec
October 29, 1992

Risk Allocation and Insurance Coverage for Workers’ Injury Claims After Kotecki, presented to Builders Association of Greater Chicago, Chicago
Author/Presenter: Timothy R. Conway
March 29, 1992

Revisions to Documenting and Presenting Construction Claims Chapter of Construction Law treatise, published by Matthew Bender
Author: Timothy R. Conway

Payment on Illinois Public Projects: Preservation & Enforcement of Lien, Bond & Prompt Payment Rights, published by Builders Association
Author: John S. Mrowiec

Mechanics Lien Rights in Illinois: A Practical Guide to Enforcement published by Builders Association of Greater Chicago and presented at Builders Association of Greater Chicago, Mechanics Lien Rights in Illinois: A Practical Guide to Enforcement
Author/Presenter: John S. Mrowiec
February 11, 1992

Specific Issues Presented by Subcontract Language in Litigation with the Specialty Trade Contractor, the Subcontractor and the Material Supplier, presented at Construction Litigation Superconference, San Francisco
Author/Presenter: John S. Mrowiec
November 14, 1991